Rutland Skin Center
We are delighted to announce that an experienced dermatologist will be taking over the practice this spring and will offer medical, surgical, and aesthetic services. We will be posting more information on the new dermatologist and when we will begin scheduling patients, in the upcoming weeks, on this webpage. In the meantime, Dr. McCauliffe continues to see limited numbers of his established patients (that he has seen in the past three years) for more urgent skin problems, and aesthetic patients. Patients who have transferred their dermatology care to another practice are welcome back to our practice.
We will notify patients on this page when to start calling to make appointments with the new dermatologist. Call the clinic and secure an appointment similar to the schedule you were following with appointments with Dr. McCauliffe (e.g., every 4 months, 6 months, or yearly intervals.) For example, if you were having yearly skin exams and your last one was in October 2024, you should ask for one in October 2025.
If you have an upcoming appointment in another dermatology clinic and need copies of your records, download the Medical Records Transfer Request Form, and be sure to include the appointment information. Then call our office (802-773-3553) to arrange a date to pick up copies of your records that you will be responsible for carrying to your new dermatology appointment so the new dermatology provider can better learn about your skin care history.

If you are a new aesthetic patient, click here for the New Patient Form. Please complete the form and bring it to your first appointment. Thanks.

Mahoney Ave. is off Allen St., directly across from the Pines Nursing Home.
Rutland Skin Center
3 Mahoney Avenue
Rutland, Vermont 05701
For an appointment in the Rutland office please call: (802) 773-3553
FAX: (802) 773-3845