Frequently Asked Questions About Online Booking

Q: How do I book an online appointment?

A: Click on the “Book Aesthetic Appointment” button in the upper right navigation to begin scheduling an appointment. If you have already booked an online appointment in the past, you are a registered user, so please be sure to log in accordingly.

Q: How do I know if I am a registered user?

A: If you have scheduled an appointment with us online previously, a registered account is created for you so you can view, reschedule, and/or cancel your appointment. When you book an appointment online, the details of the account are emailed to you.

Q: How do I find what my username is to login with?

A: When you first book an appointment online, an account is created and the username and password are emailed to you. Your username is usually your first + last name (i.e. “Jane Smith”) that you provided. We recommend that users sign in with their registered email instead.

Q: I do not know my password, how do I reset / change it?

A: Please visit the “Reset Password” page to reset your password. Once you request a password reset, you will be emailed with a link to successfully change your password. Additionally, any of the login interfaces give you the option to reset your password if you forget it.

Q: As a registered user, how do I update my phone number and other details?

A: Click on the “View / Manage Appointments” button in the upper right navigation, sign in, and then click on the profile tab. From the profile section, you can update your details.

Q: I booked an online appointment, where can I cancel or reschedule the appointment?

A: Click on the “View / Manage Appointments” button in the upper right navigation.

If you have a question not addressed on this page, please e-mail it to: and we will answer it.