Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Hair Reduction

Q: How does the Intense Pulsed-Light System work for hair reduction?

A: The MediLux System works by shinning very bright light into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles and is converted to heat. This heat then loosens the hair and disables the hair cells responsible for growing new hair.

Q: What’s the difference between laser and pulsed-light treatments?

A: While both work in basically the same manner to remove hair by light-based hair injury, the MediLux System uses a newer technology that allows it to remove hair up to 10 times faster than lasers. Many patients have also commented that it is less painful than laser treatment.

Q: How effective is this treatment for permanent hair reduction?

A: After a single treatment, most hair removed with the MediLux System will not grow back for months, and some hair may not grow back at all. Hair that does grow back may be thinner and lighter in color. To achieve permanent hair reduction of larger numbers of hair follicles, multiple treatment sessions are required (typically 3 to 5 treatment sessions). Hair follicles are in different growth phases. One phase is more vulnerable to MediLux pulsed light injury than others. By spacing out the treatment sessions, it is more likely to catch more hairs in this vulnerable part of the hair growth cycle. Although multiple treatments often eliminate the majority of hair from an area, it is usually not 100%, as some hair may be resistant to permanent destruction. We consider anything over an 80% reduction (decrease in total hair count) a good response.

Q: How many treatments are required?

A: The number of treatments for maximal hair reduction are variable among individuals. Some will obtain removal of the majority of their hair after only 2 to 3 treatment sessions, while others may require 4 or 5 treatments. If a patient does not get a good response after the first 2 treatment sessions, that is most apt to happen in people with lighter colored hair, we advise against any further treatment.

Q: On what color hair does the system work?

A: The system works on a wide range of hair types, but the best results are achieved with darker colored hair. Blonde, white or light gray hairs are more resistant to treatment as they don’t absorb as much heat energy from the pulsed light for destroying the hair follicles. People with blonde, white, or light gray hair can use a product called Meladine® (available at the Rutland Skin Center) that can help darken their hair to make it more responsive to treatment.

Q: What are sessions like?

A: Treatment sessions are quick and easy. A device is moved over your skin to deliver the light pulses. Patients typically experience mild discomfort that is short lived and alleviated by cooling the skin during treatment. Anesthetic creams can be applied beforehand, but are generally not needed.

Q: What should I expect after treatment?

A: Mild redness and tenderness are the most common side effects. Both resolve very shortly after treatment and shouldn’t interfere with normal daily activities. In some instances, the redness may last longer, but will be mild and temporary.

Q: Are there any precautions to take before or after treatment. Can the treated area be exposed to the sun after the procedure is completed?

A: Better results can be expected when treating areas that are not tanned. You should protect the treated area from sun (or tanning bed) exposure for at least two weeks before and after treatment, by using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing. Be sure to report all medicines that you are taking, including non-prescription medications and herbal supplements, as some of these can make your skin sensitive to the light treatment and could cause a possible sunburn type reaction, including blisters.

Q: How long does the procedure take?

A: The MediLux System is fast, making it convenient for even the busiest of schedules. Total procedure time is dependent on the size of the area treated. Some areas can be treated in just a few minutes. Larger areas may take 30 minutes or longer.

Q: What are the pre-procedure instructions?

A: The area should not be waxed, bleached or tweezed for at least one month prior to the treatment. Shave the area being treated one to two days before treatment so that the hair is barely visible on the day of treatment. Please remember to shave before your appointment. If we have to shave the area before treatment there will be an extra $10-25 charge.

Q: Where can I learn more information?

A: Additional information is available by contacting Terry or Linda at (802) 773-3553.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Cost per session*

Area treatedCost per sessionPackage of 3Savings
Single spot$75$200$25
Upper lip$125$350$25
Both upper lip & chin$195$545$45
Submental area (under chin/high neck)$215$595$50
Both cheeks$255$695$70
Beard area$385$995$160
Nipple areas$125$325$50
Full back$590$1,650$120
Upper or lower half-back$395$1,100$85
Full arms$450$1200$150
Forearms or upperarms$285$795$60
Hands and fingers$245$675$60
Full legs$790$2,190$180
Lower legs$450$1275$75
Feet and Toes$175$475$50
Bikini line area$220$610$50

Changes in Fees

Although prices usually change at the beginning of each year, the above prices are subject to change at anytime, to reflect equipment costs, advertising fees, etc. In general, we will charge the price paid at the time of the first treatment, for subsequent treatments, for up to one year after the first treatment.

*These services are rarely covered by health insurance.