Frequently Asked Questions About IPL Photo-Rejuvenation
Q: What is Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Photo-Rejuvenation?
A: Intense Pulse Light Photo-Rejuvenation is a new treatment method that uses light energy to improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin, rosacea, wrinkles and other skin imperfections.
IPL can:
- Remove brown age spots
- Reduce or eliminate blood vessels from the face, legs or other location
- Reduce facial flushing and redness
- Achieve smoother skin and smaller pore size
- Reduces fine wrinkles
- Reduces skin darkening that some people develop on the face (melasma) & neck
- Dramatically improve the appearance of sun-damaged and tanning parlor-damaged skin
Q: How does it work?
A: Pulses of light are moved over the skin surface. Light energy is converted into heat energy that selectively destroys brown age spots and unwanted enlarged red blood vessels. This energy also affects oil glands and collagen to decrease the size of skin pores and improve fine wrinkles.
Q: Are there any pre-treatment instructions?
A: We advise patients to protect their skin from the sun for at least two weeks before treatment so that the skin is not tanned. It is best to have IPL treatments in the winter months when your skin as fair colored as possible, for best results. All makeup, moisturizers, sunscreen, etc., should be washed off before treatment. If you have a history of fever blisters, cold sores, or herpes with outbreaks in the area to be treated, an antiviral pill can be prescribed before treatment to help prevent an outbreak after IPL treatment. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend you apply a topical anesthetic cream 45 to 60 minutes before the scheduled treatment time. You should discuss the use of this cream with one of our staff members beforehand who can arrange for you to be given a prescription-strength anesthetic. Anesthetic (numbing) cream application instructions can be found here.
Q: What areas of the skin can be treated and how long does each treatment take?
A: Virtually any area can be treated, though the most popular areas are the face, neck and back of the hands. An appointment time of 30 minutes is made for small areas and 45 to 90 minutes for larger areas like the whole face or legs.
Q: How long before I can return to my regular activities?
A: There is usually no recovery time and you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment, although for some patients the treated area may remain red for a couple of hours and rarely longer. Some people, particularly those with facial skin redness or rosacea, are more prone to develop facial swelling for a few days that may be more noticeable under the eyes.
Q: How long does it take my skin to improve?
A: Enlarged blood vessels can disappear immediately after treatment. Those that turn darker in color can take up to six weks to have full results. Brown age spots become darker in color before they flake off in 0ne to two weeks. It may take several months for the subtle wrinkle reducing full effects to take place.
Q: Is the process painful?
A: Intense pulse light treatment produces very short-lived (fractions of a second) flashes of light that cause a transient hot discomfort followed be a sunburn like sensation that usually lasts for an hour or so, but can last longer. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend you apply a topical anesthetic cream 45 to 60 minutes before the scheduled treatment time. You should discuss the use of this cream with one of our nurses beforehand. We supply patients with a cold gel pad to place on their skin as needed to soothe any discomfort immediately after treatment.
Q: How often will I need to be treated?
A: For treatment of blood vessels and brown age spots, usually only one to three treatments is/are needed. Treatments are usually separated at least a month apart, if a patient needs additional treatment. Caring for your skin properly will help diminish the need for future treatments. The Rutland Skin Center will provide you with a skin care regimen to help prolong the benefits of photo-rejuvenation treatment.
Q: Who should avoid having this procedure?
A: Patients who are pregnant, have a sun-sensitive disorders like lupus, are sun-tanned (or people planning on getting a lot of sun exposure in the first 3 or 4 weeks after treatment), or are using a tanning bed, should not be treated. Patients must not have been treated with isotretinoin (Accutane) during the year before treatment. If you have active fever blisters (cold sores), you should not be treated in that area. If you are prone to fever blisters/cold sores, an anti-herpes pill can be taken before and after treatment.
Q: What side effects should I expect?
A: Transient discomfort can be expected, as described above. There will likely be redness in the treated area immediately following treatment, usually lasting less than an hour, and on rare occasions it may last up to 3 days. Mild blistering rarely occurs and clears in a few days. Post treatment pigmentation changes may be noted on occasion, but it is treatable. The brown age spots will turn darker in color before they flake off in about a week or two. Mild swelling of the face can occur, particularly in patients with facial redness or rosacea. It usually is most noticeable under the eyes and can last for a few days. Some permanent hair loss in the treated area can occur.
Q: How much does Photo-Rejuvenation treatment cost?
A: IPL Photho-Rejuvenation Fees*
Area | Fee | ||
Single spot treatment | $139 | ||
Each additonal small spot | $39 | ||
Nose, chin, or forehead | $195 | ||
Cheeks or neck, or nose & chin | $295 | ||
Cheeks and (chin or nose or forehead) | $395 | ||
Cheeks, chin and nose | $455 | ||
Full Face | $495 | ||
Hands | $255 | ||
Forearms | $336 | ||
Hands and forearms | $450 | ||
Upper back/shoulders or chest | $460 | ||
Leg veins (treated only by the physician) | $139 small test area, $390 for 30 minute session | ||
Other areas or partial areas | variable cost, depending on size of area treated |
*These services are rarely covered by health insurance.
Anesthesia Fees
For photorejuvenation treatments patients will be instructed on how to apply an anesthetic cream before treatment. There will be a $30 fee if we apply our anesthetic cream or a $10 fee if we apply an anesthetic cream purchased by the patient.
Changes in Fees
Although prices usually change at the beginning of each year, the above prices are subject to change at anytime, to reflect equipment costs, advertising fees, etc. In general, we will charge the price paid at the time of the first treatment, for subsequent treatments, for up to one year after the first treatment.
Q: How do I get started?
A: Schedule an appointment for a consultation so you can be evaluated to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Additional questions will be answered and pre-treatment instructions will be provided.